We, however, buy good food cheap rather than cheap food. Buying your food from more than one store, buying it in bulk to keep a four week stock, saves tons of money.
We don’t buy :
- Chicken that isn’t local. We buy NW grown chicken.
- Fake Parmesan cheese. That stuff in the green box has wood pulp in it
- Fake maple syrup. Use less, enjoy more
- Fake vanilla. We use very little vanilla, it doesn’t go bad, enjoy the food stuff.
- Cheap hot dogs, processed meat isn’t supposed to be good for you. We eat some, but we limit the use and don’t buy cheap.
- Boxed Mac and cheese. Some of that stuff has a caustic soap in it. Also sugar. You are much better off making scratch. Kids will eat what you lit in front of them if they aren’t used to garbage.
- Boxed sugary cereals. Our grandchild just doesn’t like it, she would rather have a bowl of real oatmeal.
- A lot of chips and cookies. If you are especially on snap these days, it is better to buy all of what you need of good, basic food, and then,if you have money leftover, buy the snacks. If I brought home 10 bags of chips when my children were home, they would eat 10 bags of chips, not good for them and they won’t eat good food if they are full of garbage. We buy tortilla chips for part of dinners.
- Ditto pop.
- Fruit juice, full of sugar. Ditto fruit boxes. The nutritionist when my daughter was little told me. It to give her even natural unfiltered apple juice. She said she would be better off eating the apple.
- Herbal teas are good, amd hydrate without rotting teeth out and filling kids up so they don’t eat good food.
- Catsup with HFCS. Read the labels. Use less .
- Boxed food. I have still got a certain number of things, but have avoided a lot and make our own mixes.