Friday, June 6, 2014

Finally friday

It's getting crazy at work.  Dealers are putting sales on everything to clear out some merchandise so they don't have to move ot.  We are trying to ring double the sales and do extra work.   It days like yesterday that I am glad I only work two days a week.   LOL Meanwhile we are trying to find a building to move to.

We had chicken mashed potatoes and mixed berries for dinner last night.   My plan os to get pork tenderloins for our stock meat this week.   I try to keep a variety of meats in our pantry/ freezer so we eat well and eat a variety of foods.  No matter what you eat, someone will have a reason why it is unhealthy. My take is to eat a variety of foods and avoid processed meats on a regular basis.  I want us to eat them no more than once a week. I always keep fresh fruits and veggies in the house.

Not paying full price, or what my mother used to call top dollar, is the key.   No matter what the future holds with the shake up in the grocery industry, that is still your best plan.   Being flexible helps a lot.

Finding the best two stores the week you are buying the food helps too.  You get the best selection of produce and the advantage of the best buys.   A trick of retailers is to put something on a really good sale.  They assume you are only shopping one store and you will buy the things that go with that item for more than full price and they will be money ahead.  The object of this game is for YOU to be money ahead.  

Managing your leftovers and your perishables is another way to beat the high cost of food.   Look for ingenious ways to use up the vegetable bin.   I like to roast veggies.  I found radishes for fifty cents a Fred Meyers.   They are very good roasted.  Add any root veggies or peppers, or squash to them in a pan . Cut them on pieces so they are done at the same time and drizzle them with olive oil and salt and peppers . Sometimes  I add thyme or rosemary.   Roast in a 375 degree oven until done.  I start checking at twenty minutes.m if I am in a hurry I add a chicken sausage to the last ten minutes or so.
It's an easy dinner.   I really like easy.

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1 comment:

  1. I never knew that radishes could be roasted so was glad to see this! I have always just eaten them raw. I love your posts about the meals you make so I can get fresh inspiration for what to make and keep things as frugal as possible.
