This climate we are living in has given way to sensational post titles on facebook that, if at first glance sound sensational rhetoric.
Case in point: KIRO posted a piece're going to die if you eat French fries. if you just took the heading as gospel, you would never eat another French fry in your life. After reading the article, what it is saying is that trans fats that some people cook the potatoes in us bad for you. we all know that trans fats, hydrogenated oils, HFCS, too much salt, sugar, fake sugar, and processed meats are not good for you.
In truth, potatoes are good for you. they have vitamins and protein . If you cook them in the oven and toss them with olive oil and some non salt seasoning, they actually taste good and are better for you. I also cook carrots, potatoes, radishes, and sometimes broccoli the same way. Oven roasted root vegetables. Yes, I know, broccoli isn't a root vegetable. radishes take on a sweet taste. you could also add turnips and rutabagas, although they aren't a fan of most people.
The same thing happened when they were bad mouthing Nutella. the reason why Nutella is supposed to be bad is that it has palm oil in it. True, palm oil is bad for you. It is a hydrogenated oil. but, it is curious to me that Nutella is bad for you, but fake butter is not. Many fake butters that people are buying because they are supposed to be healthier than butter have hydrogenated oils in them too. Some studies have found that hydrogenated oils thicken the blood. Not exactly what a heart patient needs. the only oils that are not hydrogenated are olive oil and canola oil has had some bad press too because it has GMO? you have to use something and without vegetable oil, shortening, or hydrogenated oils, there is not much left. we all need some fats in our diet. I guess you have to take the least of the evils. Peanut butter has hydrogenated oil too, some more than others. Read the labels. T
It seems that these days everything is bad for you. My take is that everything in moderation. and I can omit some things that history has showed us is bad for you and use moderation for the rest.
I remember when liver was supposed to be good for you. Eggs for a while were supposed to be bad for you, now they say that they are some of the best protein and the cholesterol is good cholesterol like olive oil is.
Bottom line, you can eat reasonably healthy avoiding the foods that are age old proven bad for you, avoid salt, sugar, trans fats, HFCS, and hydrogenated oils and still maintain a small grocery allowance.
that's what this blog is supposed to be all about.
Add on: last night on Facebook, it came out about how there were 11 things that are not good buys at Costco. The funny thing about that article, is the one thing that they thought was a great buy, isn't a great buy at all. Fake news has become a buzz word since the hacking of our election. It seem to have given way a new kind of news.
For the record. Anyone, especially the poor, can benefit from buying some food items in bulk. It, as usual, takes some common sense. Like the lady on extreme couponing that bought 52 boxes of couscous and her family that had never eaten it before, you probably shouldn't buy something you don't ordinarily buy in quantity. We buy rice, flour and oatmeal in bulk. Rice and floor come in 25 pound bags and oatmeal comes in ten pounds. That lasts is about three months for the flour and rice, and less on the oatmeal. It is, not wasted as the article stated.
What the article did say was that the five dollar rotisserie chicken was a bargain. Not so much. It's true it is a convenience and it is cheaper than going out to eat. But, pound for pound, it is one of the most expensive purchases of chicken you can make.
Let me explain, the break even point on a whole chicken is three pounds. At three pounds, you are paying for as much bone as you are meat. So, a three pound chicken at Costco deli is 3.33 a pound, Whole chickens , the best local brands are .87 a pound frequently.
Costco s chickens here are Draper valley.
There are ways to cook a chicken 🍗 fast and easy.