I do wish my mail-person would get his act together. Needless to say, I don't have the ads and can only gleen some from the Internet. Coupon connections have some, but their math with the coupons deducted doesn't make sense to me.
There is cream of mushroom soup with on ad coupon at FM for .50. There so also a coupon for 1.00 off 5. That makes five at .30 each. It hasn't been .30 for years and years! I am sure that they know that thanksgiving is coming and they figure that they will make up their profit with the green beans and fried onion rings. I don't particularly like green bean Casserole, so they missed the boat with me!
We do like tuna noodle on occasion. I buy the best tuna I can buy. Also hot dogs. If we are going to eat cheap food it's going to be good cheap food. LOL. Hot dogs can have yucky fillers in them and I bought tuna one time that the neigh ours cat wouldn't even eat! It is still within a budget to get the good stuff. I buy real butter. The nutritional it's told me that I was better off with a skim of butter than a regular amount of the alternative. The more dense the fat, the worse off you are. No one needs half a stick on their toast on the morning!
One time when I was in the hospital, my husband called me. " how do you make tuna noodle casserole ?" I told him, cook the noodles, drain the noodles, add cream of mushroom soup and two cans runs and something green, like peas. he added chopped pickle! LOL
I have been surfing the Internet a lot the last four days being stuck in bed. Re reading couponing and meal planning sites. I am still taking the information with a grain of salt. Most of the tactics, ate not doable on Washington state. We don't have double coupons with the exception of ALBERTSONS I found once! They only covered one item at a time. That particular week, the good buys were not so good. LOL. It was hard to make a good deal. We, also can't make money with coupons. You can't get something marked down to .99 and use a 1.00 coupon. The only place I can make money buying something is at Rite Aid. That is because you buy something, use a coupon and pay the balance. Then , you essentially get store credit to use the next week. I rolled my up rewards for a good three months. Two weeks ago I had rewards, I used them last week and didn't get any rewards. I didn't go this week. There was nothing that was a good buy that I purchase.
A lot of coupons are for things that I just don't buy. The simpler you live, the less you are going to spend. We always had pure Castile shampoo that my mom bought by the gallon cheap! Period.
Conditioner and such was not happening. We don't buy a lot of ready made stuff. That's what most of the coupons are for. I usually have coffee, tea, crystal light in the summer time. I don't buy pop or other fruit drinks. The nutritionalist told me that we were better off eating the fruit. There are a few things that I just don't have patience to make from scratch, like tortillas and refried beans, and I can usually get them on sale with a coupon. Some things I can get cheaper with a coupon than making them from scratch. We still like some processed meats (pepperoni), but I try to keep them to once a week or two. I have been getting pepperoni (3.50) for .50 with a coupon at the Dollar Tree.
I have received comments from people from different parts of the country about higher prices on some things than my RBP. I get that there are fluctuations in prices. I can only relate to the prices here. The basics are still stable. You find YOUR rock bottom price. I also suspect that there are places that have a limited amount of grocery stores. We are lucky to have four chain stores within a five mike radius, either south or north and some are clustered together along with dollar stores. If you don't, and there is a town a little further away, consider going once a month for the bulk items. Consider going with a friend or family member to split gas or take turns. Have the ads mailed to you or get them on line and pick your week. A lot of times the first of the month is not the best time. I have found that holiday time is not the best time to buy staple items either. I also see that where our dairy may be cheaper, someone else's meat is cheaper. Ditto veggies. SNAP is adjusted for the cost of living where you are.
When I didn't work, I scratch cooked more and made the kids and my clothes in my spare time, as much spare time as one can have with a house and two kids under the age of three and a teenager! LOL. No one should ever have to raise tw kids under the age of three and a teenager at the same time! LOL what an experience!
I found recipes that were quick and simple. I found the apple cake, I used to make a carrot bread that was done on the blender. I still haven't found it yet. It was on the blender manual, I'll bet I tossed it when the blender gave up too.
I guess that's all.
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