OK! Grocery shopping is my game, finding the ,west orices os my thing.
- Cheese. As of now, two dollars a pound is my target price ( nothing to do with the store with the red balls.) The USDA bought a huge quantity of cheese because the dairies had more than they could sell and it kept the price low. I suspect that the result will be higher prices in the near future. It's a good time to stock and freeze. Grated cheese freezes well. If you grate your own, add a little cornstarch and shake in a bag to keep it from clumping, When you measure cheese, a cup of cheese is 4 ounces of cheese. You can figure that whatever once is in your recipe for grated cheese. You will use 1/2 in actual poundage. I.e.: A half a cup of cheese that is grated is 2 ounces.
- Spices : they are inexpensive in large containers at Costco if it is a spice you use often. That would be Italian seasoning here. I also keep a large canisters of any Mexican seasoning and make my own taco seasoning, It's a lot cheaper. Why pay a dollar for seasoning. The same holds true of seasoning sauces. Don't pay more for the seasoning than you do the meat you are putting on it. Small quantities of slices are best bought in a bulk isle. Not every bulk isle is created equal. There is a grace difference between Kroger (QFC) and Winco. An example is dill weed. I needed some to make my own ranch dressing mix. A smallest container ( the one that is about an inch in diameter and an inch tall. ) was over 6.00. Enough to fill that sized container was .18. No, I didn't forget a decimal. LOL.
- Dry pasta is more expensive at Costco than getting it on sale with coupons, I am getting pasta anywhereI between .38-75 cents. According to a class I saw in BYU television on food storage, pasta has an eight year shelf life. I don't think I would keep a eight year supply, but I am well stocked. It's a good stroke that fills people up and can be very versatile.
- Canned goods. Yes, there is a issue with the lining in cans. A study using tomato , one of the most acidic foods showed like 6 parts per 3 billion. All I can say is that I am 70 years old, still kicking, and we ate nothing but canned goods growing up. That's all there was that was within a reasonable cost. We had bananas because my dad worked for United fruit sometimes and got them free, I have target prices for canned goods and buy a select few. I don't buy canned fruit, I have had it blow up on me and make a mess. I buy green beans. A small amount of corn, diced tomatoes, some beans, and chicken noodle soup is a mainstay,
- Oats : quantity buy. The individual packages are a lot more expensive than the bulk canister or box. Costco's box is now .79 cents a pound. For the same nutrition, you,need to eat three pouches of the microwave stuff. It is super easy and no more work to make scratch : 1 scant cup water, 1/2 cup oats - 1-1/2 minutes. Use a larger bowl that you need to so it doesn't boil over. I add cinnamon sugar and my morning banana and a splash of milk. You,can also add chopped apple, raisins, craisens, cinnamon, --- dollar store oats are less quality and more money .
- Meat : chicken : I only buy chicken from the PNW. I can still find whole chickens for a dollar or less. I was finding solid breast for a dollar too, but haven't recently, Then, I would De-bone them and place the bones in a stockpot with a few veggie ends. I got six dollar a pound boneless, skinless chicken breast and a bonus of chicken stock and chicken for a casserole for a dollar a pound. Whole chicken can be cooked in less than ten minutes Nona passive cooking. It, too can be purchased for under a dollar. I recently got foster far,s chicken patties for almost free with coupons. It s a good go to if you get stuck and cheaper than fast food.
- Meat. Beef is expensive. We have real beef cubes or steak occasionally. Most of the time, I buy hamburger meat that is seven percent fat and de fat it. Beef has some nutrients that you just can't efficient get anywhere else. We eat it once a week.
- Sausage is usually cheapest at Costco for Jimmy Dean in a chub. I have found coupons for it and got it for A dollar and a half a pound recently. Also, on a sale and coupons made rope sausage a dollar.
- Eggs fluctuate in price. In the winter the chickens don't lay as many so the price is higher. You can freeze eggs, I'm not going down that road. We will eat more,abundance in the summer and less in the winter just like we do with so,e fruits and veggies.
- Fruits and veggies. All I can say is season, season, season. Buy what In season You will get better quality for less money.