This takes a little time, but the rewards are amazing, You eat better and have enough to take you through the month, No one , especially children , should suffer the anxiety, stress, or insecurity of having no food in the house.
The thought of doing this is a bit overwhelming to some people. Basically, its not hard and not impossible , You think you don't have enough money to do that, But, in actuality you have more than you think. If you buy 1 chicken a week for 1.68 a pound, you get 1 chicken, If you don't buy one this week, and buy 2 chickens for .88 a pound next week, you have 2 chickens, If you know how to stretch that chicken, you can have 8 dinners from those 2 chickens. That's a quarter of the month covered for dinners. Do that will all your food, and you have meals plus a stock built to cover you if you can't get to the store for some reason or an other mishap happens.
In this series, we will take one step at a time. Baby steps. Habits. For many people making a drastic change that takes a lot of time, doesn't work because it isn't sustainable. We eat for a small amount of money and have a back up small stock. It didn't happen in a day; rather, it's been an ongoing mantra for fifty years. I just kept perfecting the concept and adjusting to fluctuating prices and new revelations of foods that can effect your health . Baby steps. They all save. One year and your savings will grow.
- Write down and gather recipes if you need to for 10-14 meals your family likes to eat, These meals should be made from low cost sources of protein.
- In our house that would be 1) pork loin that can become chops, roast, or stew cubes; home butchered boneless, skinless, chicken breast; 7 percent hamburger, or home ground low fat hamburger; cheese, beans, and some tuna, shrimp, or salmon.
- Now, find two stores in your area that consistently have the lowest prices.
- Research the prices in your area for those sources of protein. You are looking for the RBP ( rock bottom price ) . In the PNW, I can get split chicken breast , locally grown, for .88 a pound. This turns into boneless, skinless, chicken breast and chicken stick and loose meat. Pork loin is 149-1.69 a pound, this turns out to be roast, chops, and stew meat. Hamburger is 3.28 a pound for 7 percent fat, If a roast or steak is cheaper and has little fat, we will grind our own. Cheese can be purchased for 2.35 a pound or less, and sausage with coupons or at Costco in a chub is around two dollars a pound. I just got rope sausage for two dollars a pound, fry it and de-fat it, and freeze it.
- Protein is probably the most expensive group of foods you buy, starting with it gives you more return on your time,
- Next : what to go with the protein . Remember, baby steps,