A random act of kindness is always a good thing : but it is especially nice in a negative environment that we have had since November.
There are ways to brighten ones day without spending any money. It's nice to pay forward in the coffee line, but not everybody has that kind of money.
One day I was on Winco. I saw a middle aged guy buying his groceries . It was clear to me that he was counting his purchases to be sure he had enough money. Been there, dome that. I saw that he had two cans of progresso soup right off the top. I asked him how many cans he had. He said two. I had a coupon that made it so that for the same amount of money, he could have three. I gave it to hm. No big deal. He said thank you, I said you're welcome and went on, He ran onto me in the other part of the store and thanked me again, I made his day, It made me feel good and I'm sure that an extra meal for him didn't hurt.
I do that often, sometimes someone will look at me like I have rocks in my head, but the majority of the time they thank me. Why wouldn't anyone appreciate getting a buck off something they were going to buy anyway,
One time years ago, I had all three kids at home, I was buying groceries at Albertsons, A lady stopped me and handed me a coupon for a free milk if you spent fifty dollars. She said she wasn't going to spend that much, but it looked like I was based on the size of my Cart! That was over two bucks! Made my Day!
You can offer to return a cart when someone was through with it and you were going towards the store.
Or tell someone if they had a flat tire or left their lights on.
We take our good clean brown paper bags to the food bank.
We take our ragged towels to the animal rescue.
It's just a state of mind. Random acts of kindness help both parties studies show.