good Mornimg! While researching some non-related subject, I found a video on UTUBE.
it was for a speedy pie. you make a pie, use cooked filling, and "bake" it in the microwave until the crust is done, then bake it at 425 for 8-10 minutes until the pie is golden brown. I haven't tried it yet, Dont know if it is a real time saver or not. She used canned pie filling. Canned pie filling is usually a lot of juice and cornstarch, and a little real fruit!
Brownies are quick and easy. We usually don't frost them. When cooking for a group, chocolate decadence is Devine and it's easy--cooks itself in the crock pot. I found low carb ice cream on sale at Albertsons. You have to look through the flavors to find the ones that are lowest. What's in the product description isn't always a clue. low carb on the label is decieving. My mother used to say she wanted to EAT it, not just smell it! LOL
Yesterday, my husband brought me my grand baby. She had been shopping with her mother, and her mother was unpackimg her car. I asked her what she had on her face, what had her mother been feeding her. I swear she said" canny". now, she only BABBLES and doesn't know what candy is, but it was really funny at the time. she had been given a goldfish cracker.
Yesterday I made banana bread with blueberries. It is a bisquick recipe and has oatmeal in it. Bananas are cheapest at Costco and are pretty steady in price. I make banana bread when they stRt to have black spots. I hear that they are better for you then, something about reducing cancer risk. my family won't touch them then, so I make banana bread. It works and it is quick and easy! LOL
We don't always have desert. We always have fruit in the house.
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