Thursday, June 27, 2013


Yesterday I want to ALBERTSONS.  Just one store this week.  I saved 52 percent.  ALBERTSONS does not have store cards anymore.
I got Kraft BBQ sauce for .29.  I got mayo for 1.49 and Cheerios for 1.38.  All with good buys and a coupon.  I got Hebrew national for BOGO and bins for .88.  When it comes to a holiday sale, it pays to go with he flow.  Adjust your meal plans to compensate for the rock bottom sales.

I am starting to read  The Tightwad Gazette again.  I tend to be a in moderation person and take what makes sense to me and leave the other data behind.  It's been several decades since I read the book.
More later.  I have been researching everything I can to bring grocery bills down.  There are still a lot of people that are hurting.

  The cost of food is still going up, and we all have to deal with the effects of the drought.  Nobody is talking about  it, but cheese has doubled in cost, as well as beef.  our house has adjusted to beef by only buying cuts of beef under three dollars a pound  which is  up from two dollars a pound from last year and  only eating beef twice a  week.  We added two vegetarian meals to the meal matrix.

It is my hope that I can help people get through a hard time and lower their grocery bill.  Many times, the discressionary spending is the only place that gives your budget any wiggle room.   You can economize without resorting to cheap hotdogs and mystery meat.  Make it a game.  If you have children old  enough to surf the web, let them find coupons to match your grocery list.  it is good for them  to contribute to the household and it keeps them  out of trouble in the summer while they learn how to save money.

 One  lady on extreme couponing referred to coupons as free money. That  only holds true if the  coupon is for something that you need. I used to figure that coupons were a waste of time and that you can get generic for just as cheap or watch for sales and be better off.You can  still watch for sales and buy low and be better  off.  But, if you can quickly match up a sale with a coupon for an item, it is much better.  Finding a coupon  for regular food is just about impossible.  None the less, you can google a specialty item coupon and hit the jackpot sometimes.

I am a diabetic.  Blue Bunny makes ice cream with low fat and low sugar.  it is really good,and I googled it and found a dollar  coupon. Because I gave them my e mail address, they will send me more!  If you need specialty foods because of a medical problem, google the item, or write the company.  You might get some coupons.

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