Another beautiful day in the Pacific NW. Last night , and today, we were having Internet issues. I fixed pigs in blankets, potato salad, and fruit salad. The pic I was trying to cut and paste just magically appeared and disappeared. I swear our computers are possessed this week. Tonight I am bringing a salad to a potluck. I am going to carry out meal plans well into the next week. Because of the extreme circumstances this past week, we have an abundance of food. Flexibility is key when you are trying for meals on the cheap. Taking advantage of any deals you can find, and recognizing when a deal comes along stretches your bucks a lot.
I found skillet dinners with the ALBERTSONS double coupons for .49. The difference between these and the other box dinner is the second ingredient in this box dinner is CHEESE. the second ingredient in the other box is cornstarch! Somehow, I would rather eat cheese than cornstarch. !
A good thing to learn when trying to shop on the cheap is how to read the ingredient chart and nutrition chart on the back/side of packages. I do realize that a processed cheese is what a lot of people, including me generally won't touch with a ten foot pole. But, I also realize that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. the kids love it, and it is better nutrition than the alternative box. The price and convenience for the price makes it a good emergency ration. that makes dinner less than a buck even when you add a veggie plus some lrft over meat.
The ingredients in a package are usually on the side of the package. They are listed by volume. the more of something that is in the package, the higher it is on the list of ingredients. Sometimes, I break down what is in the package to either figure out how to make it myself, or price it so I know how close to scratch it comes cost and nutrition-wise. Some things are just a joke!
Nutrition charts can be a real eye opener. If you are counting carbs , deduct the fiber from the carbs. If you are counting sugar, deduct alcohol sugars.
if something is labeled cheese , and it has no cholesterol, it's a problem. LOL. Check the fat, salt and sugar.
For the most part, making something from scratch is better, cheaper, and faster. There are a few things lately, that because of the drought on prices, ready made is cheaper. Anything on moderation.
Your main object is to get to the end of the month with food in the pantry after serving your family good, nutritious food all month. It is doable and can be fun if you make a game out of it. let the kids if they are old enough hunt for coupons and sales to find their healthy snacks for almost free. An older child can analyze the grocery ads and help with dinner. Setting and attaining goals is a good life lesson. It builds self esteem. Having food in the pantry at the end of the month gives a child and yourself a sense of security.
Ah, back to trying to fix the computer!
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