I think I need to address this issue once a year. The biggest criticism I get is that regular food , three squares and portion controls are not "healthy food " .
The basis of this blog is to teach people how to put three good square meals in the table for four dollars a day or less. There are a lot of food fads out there. There are a lot of fanatics out there that believe that everything you eat is bad for you. You need to be special and eat food that someone has said is the new cure all and there is dirty food. Wash your food, it's not dirty.
After living seventy years, I have seen food fads come and go, I have seen study after study that has said that this food is good for you , and then the reversal.
I stick with the tried and true. There is a lot of information out there. And a lot of it is tainted. It's someone who has a agenda and wants you to buy or not buy something.
The latest is just plain hysterical. Coffee will shrink your boobs, Yah, right, my mother had big boobs. She drank coffee every morning, Lots of coffee. As a stay at home mother of three children that didn't drive part of our childhood. She would keep her sanity by drinking coffee every morning and talking for an hour at a time to her girl friends. Her boobs didn't shrink. Coffee, however, according to my doctor that has done studies at the u of w, slows down the deterioration of the liver.
Healthy food is relative. I have heard of all kinds of stories of people on snap. Eating potato chips and top ramen for three meals a day, eating a hamburger meal box and individual packaged
fruit boxes with 16-20 carbs each. Or meals with no form of veggie in sight.
We all know, by a preponderance of evidence that too much salt, sugar, trans fat, hydrogenated oils. HFCS is bad for you. Trying to buy good food and stay on a four dollar a day budget and still buy good food is not easy without some tricks. And, I can guarantee you that you can't do it buying your food from the whole paycheck food stores. Can't happen. It's just reality.
You can, however, with careful shopping, and learning to cook scratch efficiently, cook good food and still avoid the elements of food that are really bad for you. Salt, sugar, HFCS, hydrogenated oils, trans fats.
Buying eight dollars worth of food for four dollars is a great help. Portion controlling and eating more of what is good for you helps too. The RDA on protein is six ounces. No one needs breakfast, lunch protein portions and a eight ounce streak. One lady corrected me, her hubby was a body builder. I have yet to meet a body builder in our group of friends, LOL
Before you jump on a fad bandwagon, STOP .and give it the logic test. Is it believable how much data is on it. What is the percentage of people that have been hurt by it. Who is writing the information and how may reliable sources are repeating it, All of what is on the internet is true, Supposedly, Ms Clinton was running a child sex ring out of a restaurant s basement. Not too logical for someone that has been a champion for families. And besides, the restrauant doesn't have a basement! LOL.
Good balanced meals. Buy quality food , buy basic food. Buy food that's on sale.use a coupon, use an Ibotta. Buy food in bulk. Buy local and food in season. It's no secret that baking supplies are cheapest this time of the year. Picnic supplies are cheapest about summer holiday time, Make a conservative estimate of what you will use. Buy as much as you can without sacrificing other foods.
Keep a stock of the things you use on a regular basis bought at the RBP. Many little things add up to great savings. That's how you eat healthy, three square meals a day,
Protein, starch, veggie or fruit.
Fad diets are. Fads. Remember the let rock. Nordstrom has a rock for 85.00. You gonna buy onto that too?
By the way, all the cocoanut oil fad? Read the label. It has more saturated fat than a steak.fir 2 T.
Haoiy eating
Hope this clears up a few things.