Monday, June 15, 2015

Oh, what a change!

I have always been frugal on our grocery spending.  I got in the habit and never changed.   I was digging into a personal cookbook binder looking for my recipe for brownie mix ( a later blog! ) and found meal plans for May 2002.   13 years ago.    

Pizzas, salad
Meat balls
Ham quiche
Dagwood sandwiches
Tuna casserole
Beef Brisket
BBQ Beef ( from yesterday)
Pizza ( ham, pineapple, peppers )
Hot dogs
Roast chicken
Sloppy joes
Chicken pot pie
Tacos , refried beans , Spanish rice
Shrimp muffins, potato soup
Pizza ( chicken, onion, black olives )
BBQ spareribs
Roast pork loin
Shrimp fettuccine
Pork stir fry
Bacon quiche
Tuna casserole
Pasta bake
Steak ( top round )
Roast chicken
London broil
Pizza chicken casserole

Notes :  for days when only the entree is posted, add starch, vegetable and/or salad

Assumes milk, tea, or coffee , ice tea
Starches: noodles. Potatoes, rice, pasta
Vegetables green beans, corn, salad greens spinach
Fresh mixed vegetables ,carrots,peppers, mandarin oranges
Strawberries, pineapple, peaches, tomatoes, pears.  

We still eat pizza.  Shave added a buffalo chicken pizza because we all like spice.  
Beef is only eaten once or twice a week, and then it is inexpensive cuts.   We used inexpensive cuts then too, but the word inexpensive cuts is realitive.  For a drought that was supposed to elevate beef prices for a year,it's been a ver r y long year!   I have no hope for beef prices to go down.  Now that they got what the market will bear, they aren't going to go back to lower prices.  

Chicken is still a good buy.   My husband is even eating it, knowing are financial circumstances and seeing for himself the cost  of beef.  I have a let peeve, though. I am going to call the manager of Fred Meyers today.    I have gone three times now to buy the chicken grill packs that are in sale.  They never have them.  If they aren't going to produce an article for sale, they should just not advertise it
for sale.  That's illegal for starts.   It's called bait and switch!   I suppose I could have asked for a rain check for a non existent product.  LOL

We are eating a couple of vegetarian meals a week.   Now that cheese is nine dollars a brick and eggs are doubling, it is harder.  I can still get cheese on a loss leader (so called) sometimes  and it is 2.30 a pound at business Costco.   I got it for two dollars a pound at grocery outlet.   It was with jalapeño peppers -- a product that didn't sell.   Probably because those wieners that so t like hot foods wouldn't touch it, and those that did like spices foods found that you could barely taste the hot.  It was a winner for us!    We will be eating less egg dinners, I don't know yet what I am going to substitute them with yet.  As prices rise, you have to roll with the punches.   Punt.   Be flexible.   It's hard these days to find replacements, everything is going up.  

I think it is interesting that social security thinks the cost of living is only going up two percent when the amount of social security raise was not enough to cover the cost of increasing insurance costs and food has drastically gone up.   It's harder and harder to find protein at a decent price unless you want processed crap.  
It's doable, it just takes a lot of flexibility and hard work.  

I can remember cooking .35 worth of chicken necks ( .10 a pound) and adding mushrooms and white sauce to make hand made stuffed manicotti.   It took me several hours to make dinner.  
I was a lot younger then.   LOL

It's doable, I will continue to search and find inexpensive healthy protein.   It breaks my hear watching women with children on SNAP buying junk food, cheap hotdogs and knowing they are going to have empty cupboards before the month is through.  There is always a way to serve reasonable healthy food on a budget.  Our grandmothers did during the depression, and our mothers did during the war with food rations.   It's always doable. It just takes a little more ingenuity.  

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mix recipes

Mix recipes 

Salt free herb mix 

3 tsp EACH of 
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Dried parsley flakes 

1 tsp each 
Dried basil

Sloppy Joes sauce 

2/3 cup catsup 
1/4 cup water
1/2 tsp dry mustard 
Dash pepper
1/2 tsp liquid smoke 

Makes enough for 1 pound of cooked ground meat.   

Note : catsup is cheapest right now at dollar tree with coupon.    Liquid smoke os 1.40 at Winco.   You use a tiny bit. A bottle will last forever.   It is also good on BBQ sauce.   

Another oldie that is most appropriate for this weather is foil packets.   It's a hit with moms because there are no dishes.   It's a hit with kids cause it's like camping out,and  dad likes to grill.   Or you can bake them on the oven.   I posted a fish jane with parchment paper a week or so ago.  We are going to have it because I bought a big box of spinach for a salad to bring to a BBQ and I will have spinach left.


Sundays ads

These are  tomorrow's ads.   You can purchase Sundays paper all week at the dollar tree.  

Stash tea 1.79
Marie calendars muffin mix .79
Pickled asparagus 1.99
Artichokes 1.99
Chicken of the sea solid albacore tuna .99

Fred Meyers

Milk .99@@
Cherries 1.99
Berries 2/4
Tomatoes 2/4
Reg ground beef 3.99
Canned veggies 10/6

Kraft salad dressing. 3/5@@. $$$
Cake  mix .99@@
Ketchup .79@@

Grill packs .99

Notes: Kraft dressing nets 1.42 with the coupon that is in the coupon book in the paper.  

I will post sloppy joe sauce recipe when I can.   Liquid smoke is 1.49 at Winco.   Kits up is a buck with a coupon off at the dollR tree ( not all of them, I saw it at kenmore which makes it .75.  

Grill packs ( last time they didn't have any ) are a good buy because toy can debone the breast and have boneless skinless chicken breasts for a buck!  

The cherries are the cheapest you will find,    Organic are five dollars.  It has been my experience that organic goes bad a lot faster.  

Guess that's all


Friday, June 12, 2015

The basics , revisited

I had 150 hits yesterday.  Yay!  

With new readers, I think a synopsis is in order.   Groceries on the cheap was started because I was hearing of people that wanted to know how to stretch their food dollar.  They were on snap and they were running out of money before they ran out of month.  I had been a single parent on the 70s and with double digit inflation and a recession, had gone through challenging times.  Almost 1/ 2 my months pay went for day care, and the  other 1/2 went for rent.  There was little left.   I remember one month spending 25.00 on food.  I learned a lot from  my mom.  Then, I began reading everything I could to learn to stretch a buck.  I tried a lot of things and streamlined a lot of ideas to tailor them to our needs.   I came up with a plan that was not too time consuming, but cut our food bill in half and still gave us decent meals.

Like about anything in life, it begins with planning.   Add smart shopping and cooking from scratch and you have a concept for success.  There are a lot of people that feed their families for less.  I usually take a middle of the road approach to everything.  I'm a libra, as if you couldn't tell!   I don't want to make my while life cooking.  I have a lot more to do even though I am retired.  I have grandchildren, a business, a blog, and belong to a women's group .  I'm old.  By the time dinner time comes around , I want fast and easy.  I don't want ready made or dinner in a box.  They are expensive and full of preservatives.

My solution is batch cooking.  When your meat is already cooked, dinner prep is 1/2 way done
When you pair that with the concept of buying the " loss leader" of meat for the week it's a real
winner.  Every week, the stores put one meat on a really low price.  Often they rotate the meats.  We used to call them loss leaders.  I was corrected by a reader that had worked in the industry.  Apparently in some states stores can't sell things at a loss.   Never the less, stores have really good
sales on meat in a rotating basis.  I can almost bet that one week of the month I can find chicken at a dollar or less a pound.  Last month I found it for .50.  I bought two.  If you purchase enough of the loss leader in.bulk to feed your family once or twice a week for a month.  Cook and freeze it.  Rotate the meats .  In four weeks, you eat a variety of meals and the meat is cooked ready to go and you have paid the RBP ( rock bottom price) and portion controlled your meats.  I use chicken, pork loin, sausage( Costco) good hamburger.  I used to buy  a sirloin beef roast, but now the cost is prohibitive.  I try to average two dollars a pound for meat.  Averaged in with two vegetarian meals a week and a fish, I can average five dollars a dinner--total, not a plate!

We are lucky to have 4 chain stores within a couple of miles from the house.  Two of them are paired with dollar trees.  Of course there are also at least two princess stores too.  Sadly, on a thrifty or snap budget, they are off limits.  I hear they have good buys-- good buys on designer, specialty foods that are out of reach for a person on a three hundred dollar a month budget.  I try to buy and eat low fat, salt, and sugar.  That's about it for my budget.  Those are  the things that have been proven to be bad for your health that are also doable on a shrinking food budget.

Snap is being cut yet again.  The drought is making prices rise, and now we hear of more drought so there doesn't seem to be an end. It's a bad combination.  ( I would really like to see the legislators that feel the need to give mass bucks to foreign aid and cut SNAP live for a week on snap allotment.  ). We just have to cope.  I was always going to write a book when I was a single parent, " cope is a four letter word spelled HELL". LOL

Fortunately, there are tools to deal with high food prices.  Groceries on the cheap is all about using those tools. Some people not concerned with prices read this blog for the time saving tips that go along with cooking on the cheap.  I spend more time shopping, and less time cooking to create a balance.  If cooking is your passion and you enjoy spending all day cooking dinner, go for it.  That just isn't my forte.   LOL

Cooking from scratch doesn't have to take all day.  I love the concept of passive cooking.  The crockpot can be your best friend as well as a food processor.  Often times you can find them on sale or at estate sales cheap.  They are real time savers as well as money savers.

Things NEVER to buy

  • Deli roasted chicken ( not enough ratio of meat to bone, usually four times the price of DIY, and you don't know where it came from.  ) you are paying dearly to save ten minutes of work.  
  • Bread crumbs. Why pay exorbitant prices for someone else's dry bread. Stick it on the oven to dry, whirl  it in the food processor  and store it in an air tight container. When I didn't have a food processor, I grated it on the biggest side of the box grater outside onto a sheet pan.  The 
  • birds got the mess !  
  • Pre-made anything.  You are paying dearly in most cases for someone else's labor.  Do the math.  My daughter and I made lemon pound cake.  We did the math, we figure we made 212.00 an hour making it vs buying it by the slice at the big bucks coffee shop.  That being said, there are a few things that are either too time consuming to make, or are cheaper than scratch especially with a coupon.  
  • Spice mixes or pre-made  extras that go with your meat.  Often they cost more than the meat!  That doubles the cost of your meal and most of the time there is a recipe on the Internet for scratch that takes little time.  There are recipes for mixes on earlier blog posts. Taco seasoning is especially expensive. 

That's a bunch in a nutshell.  

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Everett Dollar Tree and Winco.

I have been watching some videos of dollar tree merchandise .  Most of them are from the east and  south.  It seems we don't get the name brand merchandise that you get there.   I have been assessing dollar trees in the area.   So farm the kenmore dollar tree has the best  merchandise but none have what others are getting.    I did find chalkboard labels.  

We did go to Winco.    I just bought things that were cheaper than elsewhere.   My husband did get liquid smoke and meat to make beef jerkey.  It's a hobby of his, and  I don't count that in my food budget.  

Small cans of sliced olives were .70.    Wa grown chickens were 1.05 a pound and .99 if you wants to buy two.   I didn't feel the need for two.    I found my favorite jalapeño bread, and English muffins for a buck.   Instant mashed potatoes are cheaper.   Some things were not cheaper.  

I observed the gal ahead of me.   She was shopping with a little one.    Her cart was full of snack foods and some cheap hot dogs and buns.  She paid with a snap card.   I wanted so bad to talk to her, but thought it wasn't my place.   It's those people that I wish I could help.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The ads

The ads
These ads are in place of the quartered sheet I designed years ago before computers were as prevalent as they are now.   I am posting

  • Meats that would be a good stock for rotating meat.   ( have a meal planning matrix)  buy one bulk meat and purchase enough to serve that meal for a months worth if that meal.   Ie. If I serve beef twice a week, I would need enough beef for eight meals.   Rotate meats that are on super low price and buy bulk and bulk cook if appropriate.   
  • Veggies on season 
  • Dairy
  • Stock  items that are a good price.   You will need to survey your stock amd see of you need to replenish.   

Bottom round toast
Tillamook Ice cream 3/9
Haggen tuna 2/1@@
Cake mix .99@@
Tomatoes, beans,veggies 10/7

Grapes 1.28
Butter 2/4@@
Maxwell house coffee 7.49@@

Grapes 1.28
Corn 5/2 
Berries 3/5

Five dollar Friday 

Blues 5.00
Cheerios 3/5 $$$

Strawberries 2/4
Grapes 1.68
Milk 4/5

Buy 5 SAVE 5  note you can also use coupons with these prices($) 

Apple juice 1.00
Goldfish 1.00
Digiorno 3.99$$ ( 1.05) 
Hillshire sausage 2.99
Cottage cheese, sour cream 1.69
String cheese 2.99$$

That's about it.  

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FAVADO.... Hardest ap I ever downloaded for free.

I spent all morning downloading favado.   It was free.   It was probably because I am tech challenged and both the adult kids were working and couldn't help.    I struggled through myself.  

You can pick the stores that you can shop at that are close to your home.   If you are looking for the cheapest price on something, you can plug the food group in and it tells you the current prices of that product.    It is especially good with produce where the price can vary drastically.  

On another note, the five off five mega sale at QFC can be subsidized by a coupon for cheese sticks and pizza.  

No ads this week yet, QFC and goodwill haul!

We have had no ads yet this week.   I did go to goodwill to see if I could find shorts in senior day.   I did find shorts and a tank with nice detail.   I also found an adorable sundress for granddaughter.

I then went to QFC.   They have strawberries for two bucks and grapes for 1.69.   They also have five off of five articles.  I saved a lot, but could prolly done better with a strategy session and coupons.
Total spent 20.00.

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I found an ap that is supposed to tell you who has the best prices on a particular item.  I had a horrible time uploading it.   How many ways can you spell frustration.    I am not sure yet of if it was worth  the trouble.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It's 4:55 am . There is a song that starts like that.....

I am awake,   Somehow, so eone at one time set the alarm clock to go off at 4 am.  No one knows how to turn the silly thing off.  So, every weekday at 4 am.... My husband is one if ise people that can turn over and go back to sleep.  I'm not quite so lucky.  But, I can take advantage if a very quiet house  and write.  

Last night we had French fries in the oven, sloppy joes, and a green salad.  The first if the lettuce from the pots on the deck.    I bought skippy joe sauce for eighty cents at ALBERTSONS,   Never again.   I have a recipe for sloppy joe sauce from the 70s .   It calls for catsup, eater, a little dry mustard and a drop of liquid smoke,   I got catsup for .75 for a 24 ounce bottle at the dollar store.This    was not much more than tomato sauce.    I have bought French fries for as little as a buck.  

Adapting recipes from the seventies is a good way to save money and still eat healthy.   We weren't really too fat conscious in the 70s, but recipes can be adapted.   I just heard an interesting piece on the radio about how people that loose a lot of weight are often depressed!  And, that it was not healthy to cut all the fat out of your diet.  It goes back to what I have been saying right a,OMG.  ,oderation is the key.   I found a low fat option for white sauce mix.   Ot makes life easier when making casseroles and far cheaper than canned soup.   ( google white sauce mix - taste of home. ).  I find good recipes from them.  I have been published in their magazine and they have tried and true recipes.   I have also been published in Woman's Day.

It's hot here, an unusual May-June weather pattern for us.  Usually ot doesn't start getting hot until July.   Fortunately, I bought Popsicle moulds from Fred Meyers on sale.   My daughter  has been making pops out of vanilla yogurt and orange juice.   I got yogurt with a coupon for .40.  Add some OJ and you have a treat that is both healthy and refreshing.  

Yesterday I,

  • Had a little chat with the communications company.   We were paying far too much .   Turns out, our needs were best met with another plan, we were being charged for a second telephone line we never knew we had, and I got the bill lowered by 70.00.   
  • We found the hair cut in a box place a few years ago at the local strip mall.   My husband got a hair cut for 14.00 senior discount,    Sometimes they have 8.00 soecials.   I took advantage of that last time.  I still gave the gal the,normal tip.   
  • While my husband was getting a haircut, I went to the goodwill.   I found a cooking mag for .49,  a coated wire whisk    (new) , and a sundress for the "big girl" for 1.69.   I was looking for a pair of shorts, but had no luck.   Wednesday is senior day, I'll try then.   
  • I'm still fighting the charge for oxygen for my expensive trip to the rehab for my hip.   Some things you just don't have any control over.   
I'm excited about saving that much on the communications bill.   We got more than we are using now, and spending less.  It pays to go over your utility bills every once in a while.  

Guess that's all.   

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Monday, June 8, 2015

Thrifting Etiquette

I have been reading blogs and watching video vlogs  for some time  now,   Especially when my health dictates my staying still.   LOL.   I thought I should break down and write a blog on thrifting etiquette.

My daughter bought a cover for her phone,   For whatever reason, it didn't work for her phone,   She paid twenty dollars plus tax.   She offered it for sale asking  15.00.   Some lady offered her five dollars.   It is a long established rule of etiquette that you NEVER offer less than twenty percent off something.  It just made her mad.  I suggested that she  just take the article back.  She did and got her money back -- all twenty dollars plus tax.

If you are buying something that is one sale for a good price , it is bad manners to clear the shelf, unless there are only less than six items on the shelf when you get there.   Leave something for other bargain hunters.

If someone leaves free stuff along side of the  road and it's something you need or someone you know needs, take it.   If there is  a pile of stuff, don't take all of it, leave some for someone else.   It's charitable for someone to offer their no longer needed items for you.  Keep the spirit . has the manufacturers coupons data base.   You are allowed two coupons per item.   All the coupons come out at the beginning of the month.   The manufacturers dictate how many coupons can be printed.   When downloading coupons, only click the ones you are likely to use.   Printing all the coupons just denies someone else that can use them the opportunity to print.  

It all boils down to that one simple life's rule.   Do onto others as you would have them do to you.  


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Fred Meyers ad and coupons !

Fred Meyers ad is pretty slim.  I suspect that there might be better buys at the store, but they aren't toting much.  

Grapes 1.69
Country style ribs 1.97
Cherries 2.99. - note they are 1.99 several places this week.  
Butter 1.99@@
Raspberries 2/5
Prego  3/5.00 makes the, 1.67. --  note that a glass jar is 100 at the dollar store.   You can make a salad on a jar if us need to take lunch somewhere.   Oil based dressing in the bottom, then veggies, then lettuce choice.   Shake and eat.  

Kroger pasta .89.   You are better off getting the name brand because it os cheaper with coupons and you can get fiber added or vegetables.

London broil 4.99

That's about all for the ad.

There is a rumor that eggs are going to double.  You can't very well stock eggs, but my guess is that
Mayonnaise will go up too.   You can hedge that.  Last time I got mayo with olive oil.   We like it and it's probably better for you.   It was two dollars at FM.  

Now, there are a lot of good real food coupons this time in the smart source.  
Fifty cents on five Yoplait
Fifty cents in two suddenly salad.   ( dollar store)
A dollar on MJB coffee
A dollar on any BOCA  product of you are non meat eater.
A dollar on Oscar Mayer natural lunch meat
A dollar on welchs fruit snacks ( dollar store) - buy two and they are .50.  

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Saturday, June 6, 2015


I went to ALBERTSONS, big lots, and the dollar store yesterday.    I was amazed at the prices at ALBERTSONS.    There were a lot of things that were dollars higher than the prices I pay. The main reason I went was to get tomato products  cheap with sale and coupon.  The coupon did not work in their computer.   I did get blueberries for 2.50 for  18 ounces.    The cream puffs I buy were 6.99 instead of the 3.95 I paid last week.  Sausage... Double the price I pay.   I spent twenty dollars total.   Good hamburger was 3.99 with a coupon.

Big lots has feminine products cheap.  Also, they had the cookies in a can cheap and enchilada sauce-- a big can for two dollars.    Jello,was forty cents.  

The dollar store netted hair ties  and fruit snacks for the baby and some batteries for my label maker.

All the stores were within a block , so gas was at the minimum.  

I am rather disappointed that I put a bargain craft kit on etsy and haven't sold anything.  Etsy is a really cheap capital outlay , so I can afford to play around and see of I can manage to get a winning product.    My plan is to cut my losses at five bucks.    lol.  Ah, the power  of positive thinking!

Last night we  had stir fried steak and veggies with brown rice.   Of course, my daughter had to make a separate meal, because they don't eat beef.    I made a pasta salad and jello yesterday too, and marinated the other piece of steak we bought.   Cooking several things at once saves  time and cleanup.

I hear that there is going to be an egg shortage .  I guess we will deal with that when it comes.   Chicken was 1.50 a pound this week.  I didn't buy any.    I did, however, make meal plans out and will do some grocery management this morning.  

Hitting more than one store and only buying the items that are on a legit sale, saves you money,   By total bulk last week was thirty dollars.  This week, I spent 45.00 at Safeway, fourteen of which was soap that cost 24.00 on amazon.   Net food purchase was 31.00.   Add sixteen for food  at ALBERTSONS and 5.80 at big lots and we have 62.80 for two weeks.    The USDA for thrifty is close to 200 for TWO of us.

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Thursday, June 4, 2015


I went to SAFEWAYS and bought as close to fifty dollars worth as I could.  Savings 53 percent!  

Pic on Facebook!  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The ads

Note :   I am listing the prices like I used to on a quarter sheet of paper.  You still have to cross off anything that is less expensive elsewhere. Methods is my tool to see which two stores I am going to in a particular week.    By isolating the cheapest prices and then identifying what I need to replenish on our stock, I can decode who has the best buys on the food we need and shop accordingly.  It seems like a daunting task, but after you have done it a couple of tomes it comes naturally.  M

Cherries 2.98
Grapes 2.98
Butter 2/5
Franz bread 1.99@@
Haggen yogurt 3/1

Cherries 1.99
Milk 2/5@@
Good ground beef 3.99@@

BOGO.  Disclosure there are no prices, so I don't know of they are a bargain or not.

Apple juice
K cups

Mega mix or match
.80 each when you buy 10.  Mix or match.  Note there are coupons out there for buy 2, get one free for diced tomatoes ( hunts)  that makes a can a little over fifty cents.

Pasta sauce
Diced tomatoes
Refried beans

Grapes 1.99
Berries 2/5


Coupon ten dollars off of fifty.

Cherries 1.99
Yoplait yogurt 10/5$$
Corn on cob 3/2
Tortilla chips 2/6

Five dollar Friday
Salad 4/5
Strawberries 2/5
K cups


Cherries 2.99
Berries 2/5
Grapes 1.99
Sour cream 1.00

Please not,cheese prices.   The small packages of cheese are almost NEVER a bargain.   Do the math,  it's a retailers trick to  trick you into seeing a bargain that isn't there.  

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

The ads

This is a quick one.

Fred Meyers

Tomatoes .88
Shrimp 5.99
Ice cream. Tillamook 2.99
Mayo 1.99
Pasta sauce .89
Lettuce .99
Apples .99
Milk .99
Berries 2/5
Corn 6/3

Tuesday is senior day with coupon 10 percent off private label foods.

That's all.

Plane Jane Cards...not so ordinary hand crafted greetings has gone ETSY,

No, I can spell.  The ETSY people didn't like the correct spelling?     Go figure!    

In other news, I haven't received the newspaper yet today.   I decoded to go a week without shopping.   We are overflowing in the pantry and need to pare down.   Meal plans help use up food on an appropriate amount of time and save the brain when it's tired and hungry!   LOL.  It's a struggle here when I have a husband that won't eat vegetables, a daughter that won't eat mest, and myself that can't eat many starches!   I guess we could be jack sprat , but that's bit to balanced.   LOL

Food prices are still higher than I would like.   Fred Meyer is advertising new low prices and, in fact, some of their prices  are lower.   I see a sign that Winco is coming soon.  I hope it is sooner than later.   A little competition will lower prices.

The basic points of a lower food bill are still the same in any economy.  The last couple of. Onths I have been over budget about five bucks  a week.  I have, however, got a huge surplus and we will pare it down with little to no shopping the next month or so.

Basic theory still works.

Plan and organized cook from scratch, and shop wisely.

  1. Plan meals to use what you have and make for a variety of foods.   It keeps the drive through daemons out of the tired brain.  LOL 
  2. KNOW YOUR PRICES !!!!!   The best tool you can have is to know your prices and only buy the article if you find the lowest price.  Buy enough to last you until you find a sale again.   That can't work for dire necessities, but it works for a lot of the market basket.  
  3. It's a whole different approach to buying groceries.   You don't necessarily buy a weeks worth of food. You do, however, always have food in the house.  
  4. Cook from scratch most of the time.  There are, as the USDA  predicted, some things that are cheaper to buy ready made.   A lot of things are more expensive ready made.   It takes doing some math.   There are some things that are not worth the effort in a normal household to make from scratch.   Few of us have the time to spend all day cooking.    The crock pot os a real time and money saver.   It can cook all day and you can still work all day.    Making your own mixes can save time and money when you are pressed at dinner time.   I used to make bisquick, but it calls for shortening, and I'm not really into shortening these days.    I do make white sauce mix that is better for you than the real stuff ( less fat) and taco seasoning.   ( see older posts for more recipes) 
  5. Planning meals, again, helps a lot. Mi have a matrix for meals that helps.   I designed a form that has the days of the week, and two columns.  Things to use up, and things we need to fill in for meals.   I have a matrix.  2 beef, 2 chicken or pork, 2 vegetarian , and a fish or shellfish.  Your matrix may be different according to your preferences.   
  6. Know the tricks the retailers use to get you to buy more.   NEVER buy non food items at the grocery store.  They are the highest mark up of anything.   
  7. Another NEVER. Is never impulse buy.  Know what you are going to buy and pretty much stick to it,   That is why going to the store to buy one day at a time is bad news.  You are bombarded with impulse buys and you are laying top dollar for your food.   
  8. Always, if at all possible., shop two stores.   They will usually have different things on a real sale, and if a produce tom doesn't look good, you have another option other than going without.   
  9. Use coupons.  Yes, there are coupons for real food.  
  10. Buy supplies from the dollar store.   Yes, there are a lot of junk things at the dollar store, but there is also a lot of good stuff that is a lot,cheaper,than their counterparts at other stores.  
  11. Don't overlook alternative stores.  Big lots os,not as good since they decided to take snap.  Their prices are more than retail.  But there are still good prices at the drug stores and grocery outlet.   
That's about all.   Ads later.  

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Friday, May 29, 2015

The ads - May 27-June 2 2015

Here are the ads .   On the Pacific NW we are in summer mode about now,   One if the tricks I have for surviving a hit kitchen is to make a bunch of salads and cook a entrée to go with them each night.  

On to the ads

Spinach .89
Tomatoes 1.29
Milk 2/5
Hunts tomatoes 1.00-   $$ coupon makes them .60-
Manwich 1.00
Freshetta pizza 3.99@@
Nathan's hot dogs. BOGO- don't know if this is a bargain or not

Grapes 1.88
Blues 3.99
Eggs  2/3
Milk 1.00
Yogurt  2/88
Ice cream 2/5
Sour cream 1.00
Pie 3.99

Grapes 2.77
Peaches 1.99
Freshetta or dijorno 4.99

Five dollar Friday
Cinnamon rolls
Eggs 3/5 -  1.67 ea
Berries 5.00

Cheese 4.99@@
Yoplait. .38@@

Buy 5 save 5

Berries 3.99
10 lbs potatoes 1.99
Digiorno 4.99
K cups 4.99
Brownie mix .99

Top round is 2.99-  that would be a great price to grind hamburger!  
That's all .  

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fred Meyers ad

Quick fm ad today.

Grill pack chicken .89
Raspberries 4/5

Peeled baby carrots .99
Apples, asst.   .99
Lettuce .99
30 percent hamburger 2.97
Eggs 4/5
Grapes 1.88
Cantaloupe .59
Jello or cool whip .79@@
Black olives .99@@
Tomatoes  2/4
Yoplait .39

That's about it,

Jello and cool whip make a low carb parfait when you use sugar free jello.
Yogurt is cheap, parfaits, Popsicles?   For Popsicles mix vanilla yogurt with fruit juice ( orange) add a splash of vanilla and freeze on pops.   A lot more healthy for the kids than sugar water!  

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Four plus one is five- four people, one meal,Five bucks.

This is an  example of  4 people, 1 meal, five bucks.   This is meant to be for a proverbial family of two adults and two school aged children and is based in a three hundred dollar month budget.    This is, however, real time prices and an actual non- passive to,e of five minutes!  

Individual  pizzas, green salad

Individual pizza crusts  - 2.00 - Dollar  Tree
Tomato sauce - 1/2 can   ..25 ALBERTSONS
Italian seasoning.  - n/a
Sliced black olives 1.00
Grated white cheese  .50 - 1.00 for 8 ounces at Grocery Outlet
Pepperoni -1/2 pkg .25.   - 1.00 a package at dollar tree less,1.00 coupon for two makes it .50 a package.  

Salad  - free with coupon add tomatoes. 1.00.  

Total 5.00

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

10 money and time saving things I did today

  1. I got up while the house  was quiet and paid bills and balanced the budget book.   
  2. I wrote a money saving shopping blog. 
  3. I cleaned the fridge and sliced veggies and cooked the hamburger for dinner.   
  4. I designed a pattern in holes of putting  it for sale on etsy.   
  5. I Looked up the cost of making the kits.   
  6. I went to goodwill and bought a sun suit for granddaughter for twenty percent off the already cheap price. 
  7. I purchased velvet hangers cheaper  than Costco at goodwill, again on a twenty percent discount .
  8. I came home, are  my homemade lunch and set out to clean and purge my short rack in the closet, ready to take a load to goodwill.   
  9. I made banana, blueberry bread to use the ripe bananas that were left, and my own jello for jello parfait.   
  10. I grocery shopped making best use of the specials and coupons.   
I'm finishing dinner and going to bed!     

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Memorial Day Sales

Memorial Day Sales can be a good time to stock up on picnic type supplies for the summer.   I am posting the prices of several typical things for this time of year.  You will need to cross off those items that are a higher price than elsewhere to find the best buys.   Also check coupon matchups.  


Cantaloupe  .59
Country style ribs. 1.99
grapes 2.49
blues 5.00-18 ounces
Johnsonville sausage 2/5$$
BBQ sauce .99@@
Dreyers 2.99@@
Corn 3/89@@
romas 1.00
Tillamook Cheese 7.99


BBQ sauce 399@@
Bushes Beans @@ check for manufacturers coupon

Buy 4 save 2 net prices

Strawberries 3.99 2 lbs
Hebrew National franks 2/7.00
Breyers 2/5
Butter 1.99
Johnsonville Brats 3.99 ck coupons


Peppers 1.00
Dreyers 2.88
Bushes beans 3/5
Corn 8/2
Buns .88

Five Dollar Friday
Chocolate Boston Cream
Ice Cream 2/5
Blues and Raspberries 12-18 ea
5 lbs gold medal flour 2/5
10 count K cups

that's about it.

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Meal plans from the ads

This is an attempt to show my thought process in making meal plans on the cheap.    That is, you use what's on sale and rotate meats to take advantage of bulk and special pricing .

Example.   In the last weeks I got

  • pork loin roast 1/2 for 1.88 ( about five pounds ) 
  • Chicken for .88 ( it's .88 at SAFEWAYS this week too.   ) (5 lbs) 
  • Fred Meyers has good hamburger for 3.99.  ( 5 lbs) 
That's 15 pounds of meat for an average of 2.25 a pound.   14 meals for an average of 2.25 a meal.   
Add a starch and a vegetable or fruit or both and you are still under five dollars a meal for the proverbial family  of four.    

These figures are based on a snap allotment of three hundred dollars a month.    It's real easy to spend more if your situation and budget permits.   It makes more sense to me to show examples off bottom line amounts and let people use their discretion if they have more to spend.    

This is an example of buying the loss leaders and precooking or dividing in meal portions to save, time and money.   It's probably,no secret that if you put a whole roast in front of a young man, he would choose to eat the whole roast and ignore the veggies.   Portion controlling the meat allows children to eat the rest of the meal and have a  be well balanced diet.    It's also,no secret that we eat far to much meat in this  country and that might not be as healthy as we would like.   

I use a matrix for meal plans.  It makes it quick and easy and balances our proteins .  Your matrix may be different.   
  • 2 beef
  • 2 chicken or pork 
  •  2 vegetarian 
  • 1 fish or shellfish
I can usually get eggs for a dollar or a dollar and a quarter at Fred Meyers.   I stock up.  Most of the time there is a month out on the pull dates.    This  makes for enough to have breakfast for dinner one night a week.    French toast,scrambled   eggs, chocolate waffles and yogurt parfaits are a welcome surprise every once In a while.   Desert for dinner, the kids love it.   Younger parfaits are layering in a glass: plain or vanilla yogurt , blueberries, and granola.  Yogurt is .38 at ALBERTSONS?

From five pounds of ground beef you can make, taco meat, crumbles for pasta sauce, and a two pound meat loaf.   My mother used to make meatloaf , baked potatoes ( a buck at Fred Meyers ) and squash.   All in the oven.   Oven roasted veggies would also be good.  (

Mac and cheese is always a winner here.   Cheese was two dollars a pound at Fred Meyers last week. I can always get grated cheese for 2.30 or so at business Costco.    There is a recipe for quick white sauce in a previous blog.   Add frozen veggies or green beans  to the meal and you are set.  A fruit desert adds to the nutrition.

I made a fish packet dinner last week.  Layer on parchment in individual portions, fresh spinach, white fish, white beans, a green veggie ( asparagus was really cheap at the fresh food market , or you can use fresh green beans ) drizzle with olive oil and wrap tightly.   Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes on a baking sheet with sides.    Easy and no clean up.   Be careful opening the packets, there may be steam!

From the chicken that is .88 a pound .
I'm making chicken soup as I'm writing this.   I will make a loaf of parm bread on the bread baker or make a loaf of brown and serve sourdough.  ( .95 at Costco) or bake cheese biscuits.

Chicken pot pie is another favorite. I have a coupon from QFC for free frozen veggies and a pound of Hebrew national franks.
The holiday weekend is always a good time to stock up on low priced picnic food providing it is a good price.   I got catsup for .75 at the dollar  store for a name brand.

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Tomorrow's ads for Fred Meyers

A quick blog, another with meals from the ads .  

The smart source that comes in the newspaper has a coupon for fifty cents off two suddenly salads.   The dollar store takes coupons and has suddenly salad.  Just check with the manager to be sure it is in their computer.  It os a legit coupon, it's just that when I went before, it wasn't in the computer and the manager was lost in space!    It is a good fast side if you are I a hurry.   Used to use it on the boat.  

There is also a coupon for a dollar  off of Digiorno pizza.  

Fred Meyers has

Blueberries 1.99
Good ground beef 3.99
Tuna .79
Lettuce .99
Potatoes, 5 lbs .99
Apples .99
Ritz 3/5@@$$
Tillamook ice cream 2.99@@
Red vines 5.99@@
Cucumbers, or green peppers 2/1.00

That's about all

Thanks. See you I'm a minute with meal plans and notes.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

The ads

QFC has a two week ad.  Methods os the second week for these deals.

Berries 2/4
Broccoli .99
Milk 4/5
Oranges .88
Strawberries 2/5

Mangos 5/3
Spinach .89
Nalleys chili .99@@

Tillamook yogurt .38@@

Coupon mania
Hunts BBQ sauce .99@@
Frozen entres .78@@

Corn 4/2
Berries BOGO.  Hard to tell if that's a good price or not.
Chicken .88
Coffee 7.99$$?
Brownie mix .99@@

Five dollar Friday
Bushes beans 5/5$$
Solid white tuna 5/5

There are a just for you coupon for three dollars off of twenty.  

With some effort, you could probably,come up woth twenty dollars worth of good buys.  

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Monday, May 11, 2015

My marathon cooking

I have a five pound chicken that we purchased for .88 a pound at Fred Meyers.   I also have a six pound pork loin I purchased for 10.38.   Total about 15.00.  

Today in 40 minutes, I marathon cooked it all-- kinda sor of.  

I put the chicken in a crockpot with carrots on the bottom and a dry rub.  Cook it for an hour a pound on high.   Makes for good breast meat and the rest is like pulled chicken for sandwiches, tacos, casseroles etc.

I butchered the pork loin into

  • Two packages of two pork chops. 
  • A two pound roast  for roast pork, BBQ pork sandwiches 
  • A crockpot 1/2 full of pork cubes being slow cooked on salt, pepper, beer.   For pork stew, and tacos, or enchiladas, or to put in a soup.    
12 meals for us for 15.00.    Now, there are only two of us that eat meat.   I would guess that nine meals could be had for a proverbial family of four ( two adults and two school aged children) I'm not talking teen age boys here! LOL.   

This is a quick marathon session.  It takes me a whole lot longer when I do ten pounds of hamburger into 
  • Meatballs
  • Meatloaf
  • Hamburger crumbles 
  • Taco meat
On another note, I found a u tube a fellow made making a tex-mex dinner of refried beans, Spanish roce, and enchalladas.  I was mostly interested in a quick and easy enchalada sauce. I found it as cheap as fifty cents, but homemade would be cheaper.   

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

10 ways to save bucks on food.

After watching numbers is videos on cheap eats, I feel compelled to wrote ten ways to saveon groceries   without eating chickpea tofu or potatoes, breaded chicken, carrots and corn bread....can you spell pure starch!     LOL. To each his own, but it's not mainstream in my eyes.

I digress. Here goes.

  1. Stick to coffee tea, milk, and water out of the tap.    Herbal teas are really good, and make good iced tea.  Fruit teas can be found at the dollar tree or on sale with coupons. Sodas are expensive and have little food value.   
  2. Avoid the chip isle .  Popcorn in bulk (Costco) is cheap and actually healthy when popped with an air popper.   
  3. Think out of the box  and try new recipes,knowing that simple foods cost less and are easier to cook.   
  4. A hop the perimeter of the store.  The big sellers are going to be at eye level on the shelves.   Manufacturers pay for shelving fees.  Those fees are going to be passed on to you.  Look up and look down.    Buy fresh fruits and veggies that are in season.   You get  better taste for less money.   Buy typical holiday foods when they are in sale at or nearly after the holiday.   
  5. Stock your staple items.  Those are things you go for frequently when cooking dinner that are shelf ready.   Set yourself a quantity limit and a price limit.   That would be the rock bottom price (RBP) That  it sells for.   The object is to replenish when the proce is at it's lowest.   
  6. Don't be brand loyal.   Store brands are often lots cheaper.  
  7. Don't be grocery store loyal.   Show the two stores that have what you need at the lowest prices that week.   Go, get what you,need, and get out.  The  longer you stay in a store, the more money you will spend.  
  8. Buy the protein loss leader for the week.   Buy it in bulk, cook it if appropriate and portion control in packages you will need for one meal.   Rotate meats on a monthly basis. 
  9. Plan meals.   Write an outline that best suits your family and is still within a Budget.  Our matrix is 2 beef, 2'chicken or pork, 2'vegetarian, and 1'fish or shellfish,  plan some quick and easy meals to avoid the let's go through the fast food line or order pizza syndrome.   
  10. Keep track of your vegetable bin and adjust meals to incorporate things that need to be eaten soon.   There are apps that let you plug in an ingredient and it tells you,what you can make. The USDA also has an ap that takes the guess  work out of  knowing if a particular food is good to eat.    

Fred meyers haul!

We did go to Fred Meyers.

I spent 37.61 with coupons

1 chicken
1 French fries 1.89
English cucumber
2 pkg granola bars

I need to work the meal plans and include the produce I bought.

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Happy Mother's Day

Since I can't sleep and I have already cleaned the bathroom and reorganized the shelves, I thought I would get  a head  in a Mother's Day post.   LOL

There was a show in the 50's called I remember MAMA.   I was laying  here thinking of all the things that stood out about my mother.   My grocery shopping Savvy came from my mother and a whole lot of reading and trial and error.   I am still evolving.   My mother had many talents.   I miss her every day.  

On another subject.   There are a lot of organizational posts on u tube.  Many are from young people and their dollar store hauls.    The best organizational tip for your kitchen is to put things where you use them.   The less steps you can take to get a job done,the more jobs you can do .   The more you do by scratch in the kitchen, the more money you can save.    I have the coffee and tea pots on the kitchen counter above the dishwasher. It's next to the sink so filling the units is easy. The  cupboard above the dishwasher  has cups, tea, and teapots.  

Unloading the dishwasher, if you pull all of one thing out at a time and stack plates and bowls, you are taking one trip to the cupboard to out them in.   I know some people that set the dinner table on the morning as they unload the dishwasher.   It saves a step and the table is ready for dinner.  

Prepping food as it comes home from the store, or sometime afterwards when you have the uninterrupted time, saves tome and money.  I just saw  a clever lady make hummus, place it in portion cups ( Betty crocker at the dollar store- several in a package) .  Then she cut pita bread and packed it on a quart zip lock.   It was all ready for her to grab out of the fridge  and take to work or for kids to take to school.  

Getting organized is a real key to savvy grocery shopping and carrying the idea in through to meal plans and using up perishables before they go bad.  

Checking the fridge and incorporating things on the edge onto your meals is a real money saver.   Use the USDA app to check the actual pull dare on foods before you toss them.  Obviously of they are growing hair prettier than yours,they need to get pitched.  LOL.

It takes so,e effort to stay in top of things, but the savings are well worth it. You spend more time managing your stock and shopping, and less time cooking.    It all averages out.   After you get into a routine, it actually probably takes less time than you took before.  

I do less than I did before the store closed, but in some ways I do more.  I expanded my business and still keep house and babysit and belong to a women's group.  

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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Big savings- Fred Meyers

Fred Meyers has really good buys this week.  

Tillamook cheese  - 2 lbs, limit one 3.99
Foster farms chicken .88
Berries 2/4
Good ground beef 3.88
Tomatoes .97
English cucumbers .99
Broccoli. .99
Tillamook yogurt .39
Dreyers 2/5@@
Butter 3/5@@
Milk .99@@

That's about all

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The ads 5-5-15

The ads.  I'm not impressed this week.  Fred Meyers was about the best on Sunday that I see.  None the less, here are the ads.  

Groceries on the cheap is a different way of looking at how you shop and cook food.  The basis of it comes from my mother.  I have been working in the concept of good food cheap for about fifty years now and have perfected a system that works.  It works in any economy, anytime.   I spend
Seventy five dollars a week for my husband and I and supplement my daughter and her daughter.  With that, I have amassed  a large pantry.   I am in perishable foods only mode with feed exceptions to pare down the stock.    Ot will be interesting to see what the stats for the next few months play out.  

Basically, the mantra is never pay full price for anything.    You buy when your staple items and a meat is at it's lowest, and eat when it is the highest price.    I take the  so called loss leader of meat and I buy enough to last us for a months worth of that type of meal.   I precook if appropriate and freeze.  Working on a four week cycle.   I have a matrix for meal plans that makes it  easier and faster to set your meals for the week.

  • 2 beef
  • 2 pork or chicken 
  • 2 vegetarian 
  • 1 fish or shellfish
Your matrix may be different.   Use whatever works for your family.

This is more detailed on earlier posts.   

I digress....the ads 

Strawberries 2 lbs 3.88
Cantelope  .69
Salads 2/5
Corn 4/2
Yoplait 5/10
Kens salad dressing bogo$$. 
Cucumbers 1.00

Five dollar Friday 
Blues - 18 ounces 


Blues  3.00  - 6 ounces *
Raspberries 5.00- 12 ounces *
Tillamook cheese 3.99 - 1 lb*
Corn 5/3*
Barilla 4/4@@
No bargains here.   Cheese is 5-6 on sake all the time for TWO pounds!  Same brand.   

QFC - two weeks 
Broccoli .99
Berries 2/4 6 ounces
Oranges .88 
Tomatoes ,99
Barilla 3/4**


Cucumbers 1.00
Salad 2/4
Blues 18 ounces 8.99**
Berries - 6 ounces 3/10 ( 3.33) 

Note wide range of prices for berries.   

Blues  per 18 ounces 
QFC 6.00
Haggens. 9.00
SAFEWAYS  5.00 (Friday only) 

So much for ads.  Again, it's a holiday weekend, not much in sales.   

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fred Meyer breakdown

Total spent 29.10
The biggest purchase was a pork loin, actually a half pork loin for 10.34.   I will cut it up and make several meals put of it, freezing some.   It was over five pounds since it was 1.88 a pound,  

  • A roast 
  • Pork chops 
  • Cubes for stew 
  • Stir fry 
  • Fried rice.   
  • BBQ sandwiches sliced thin.   

My aunt used to grind a roast leftovers, add  mayo and pickle and use it for sandwiches .   

  • Green beans and white corn (6) the limit on the coupon.   .50 beats 1.59. 
  • Cherub baby tomatoes 3.49 plus shredded lettuce .88 minus a dollar coupon.   ( tacos) 
  • 10 Yoplait at .50
  • 2 eggs at .99
  • 2 milk at .99
  • Mayonaise 1.99

I had no Yoplait coupons this time.   

I made  a salad for a pot luck last night .  

Orzo .45 with coupon 
Pickled asparagus ( dollar store) 
Baby tomatoes cut in half 
Black olives ( on my replenish list ) - my target price is 1.00. 
Orange peppers ( 3/1 at grocery outlet ( Canadian) 
Italian dressing ( .75 a bottle on sale) 

That's about all.   

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Monday, May 4, 2015

Five frugal things

Five frugal things I used the last few days.
1) got a haircut while they  were 1/2 price.  
2)not six tops that retailed for 35-39.00 for 3.15 each!
3) got a beautiful scarf at the dollar store.
4) spent 28.99 at Fred Meyers and got a cooler full plus two bags full of good actual foods using specials and coupons.
5) bought a new 70.00 top at the goodwill for ten bucks.
Bonus is 6) I made 16 cards with the one sheet wonder I designed!  

You can have a decent lifestyle on a meager budget!    I downloaded the months coupons from coupons,com.   There were not many coupons for real food.

I did buy five plus pounds of pork loin.   We can have pork roast, stirfry, pork chops, pork stew, pork fried rice.    Etc.

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Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Fred Meyer ad

Good time for basic food this week at Fred Meyers .   Milk and eggs are both a buck.    Oranges Are .59.  

Boneless half loin roast is 1.88
Lettuce .99
Apples .99
Broccoli .99
Hunts pasta sauce .89
Pace picante sauce 1.89 ( 16 ounces ). Note the small one at the dollar store.
Yoplait 10/5.

Good ground beef 3.99
Milk .99@@
Canned veggies, tomatoes, beans..49@@ limit 6@@
BREYERS or Klondike 2/5@@

That's about it.  

Lots of basics and some at stock prices.    Beans and tomatoes are a really good buy at .49.  Even if you can only buy six.     It's a good start or fill in.  

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Still off the grid.......

I am in a mini vacation.  Our vacation last year was or emptied by my stay at the rehab.    One could only imagine the vacation we could have had with the 1400.00 that I sent for my expensive ride from the hospital to the rehab!   LOL.  Water under the bridge.    We got away just the two of us.    It's been a quiet weekend.m considering there is a wrestling match going on and there are no rooms left in any of the hotels.    We found one , a little sparse, a little noises,next to the freeway, but adequate none he less.    

This vacation has cost a total of 150.00 including gas and food out.   Conversely, I purchased 245 worth of blouses and a scarf's coming...27.00.    Unfortunately I. Couldn't  find any pants  that weren't low rise.     I'll check the goodwill again.    LOL.  

The one sheet wonders save money.  Sets are good gifts especially for shut ins.  

Tonight will roast a pork tenderloin since Monday is the pull date.    Back to the meal plans

I will post Fred Meyers tomorrow or tonight and well get back to the food subject this is supposed to be about.  

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Still in paper mode...

One sheet wonder with a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.

Cut the following pieces from the standard sheet if paper.   Decorate if desired.m.

Along the 11 inch side cut one strip at 3 inches.    Now, sub cut this strip into a 3X3 square and two pieces at 1.5 X 5.5.  

Next along the long some cut a strip at 2-1/2.
Cut this strip into two pieces 2-1/2 X 4-1/4

This leaves a piece 5-1/2 X. 8-1/2
Cut 1/2 inch off the 8-1/2 inch side.   You should have 5-1/2 X 8.
Now cut two pieces ea at 2X 5-1/2.  This leaves a 4-1/4X 5-1/2 topper.  

Solid topper
Stripes of 1-1/2
3 X3 square, matted
2-1/2X 4-1/4 rectangles
2X 5-1/2 rectangles

8 total cards plus a  1/2 inch strip that can be placed on the inside of a cut away top.  

One sheet wonder card pattern

Cut the following out if a 12X12 sheet that is all over,non directional print or a print you make yourself.,  

Cut two strips 5.5 X 12.  

1) on one strip, cut on long side, two pieces 4.25, and two pieces 1.5 inches.   Leaves you 1X 5.5 inch piece.  Cut in half to make 2 ea  1/2 X 5 1/2 inch pieces.   ( trim on two cards.  )

2) on second 5.5 X 12 inch piece, cut lengthwise ( 12 inch side)   6 ea if 1-1/2 inch strips.    This leaves a 3 inch X 5-1/2 inch piece.   Trim off 1/2 inch of the 5-1/2 inch piece.   ( centerpiece if a card)

3) using the 4-1/4 X 5-1/2 pieces, cut on the diagonal.   ( makes four cards.   )

Makes  15 cards.  

4 ea  cards with diagonal trim .  Sentiment along edge of diagonal.  Embellie on the trim.  

4 ea with a trim across bottom of landscape card, about 1/2 inch up from bottom.    Add sentiment and embellies.  

4 each with trim on side of a portrait card.  Sentiment on side and embellies.

1 each card with a 3 X 5 centerpiece of trim.   Add sentiment and embellies.    I might want to cut this down to 3X4.   This would leave you another 1 X 3 inch banner piece.  

2 each cards with 1/2 inch cut off of the right side ( portrait card. ) and trim added to the inside if the card.  

Waste is 1 piece .5 X 3  ( can be used for banners ) and one piece 1 X 1/2.   .  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Seven meals for 32.62--under five dollars a meal average.

These meals do not include basic cooking supplies like oil, homemade soup mix, salad dressing,   The job of costing such things would be a nightmare.    It is, however, under five dollars a meal average.  

Pork stir fry
Egg drop soup

Scrambled eggs with cheese
Hash brown patties
Strawberries or mixed berries in season

Roasted pork tenderloin
Frozen chopped broccolli
4 cheese mashed potatoes

Pizza with
Hamburger crumbles ( or .50 pepperoni from dollar store w coupon)
Red peppers ,diced
Black olives chopped
3.66 with hamburger, 3.41 with pepperoni

Meat ball subs
2 sourdough baguettes ( Costco brown and serve)
( cheaper of you can find individual rolls ore baked in bins at grocery at .33)
Meat balls from 2.97hamburger
BBQ sauce,
Green salad or coleslaw.

Mac and cheese
Peas and carrots
Macaroni is high fiber in sale with coupon, cheese from Costco, soup mix scratch, top with homemade bread crumbs from heels (free) and parm from at 1/2 of a tub if parm.  
Frozen peas and carrots

Spaghetti with red sauce and hamburger
Green salad with tomatoes.

Total 32.62

Substitute meat ball subs with split pea soup 30.02 with soup left over for lunch.  

Split pea  soup
Jalapeño corn bread

The ads

I got the ads yesterday evening.  We seem to be on the last leg of the mail persons run.    The only good thing is that we can get the mail as soon as it comes.  

The ads are skewed towards Cinco de mayo.   Might be a good thing.   It seems , though, when a holiday happens, so,e stores take advantage of the fact that you are probably going to buy those ingredients at any price,m. Beat them at their own game,     Soft tortillas are to dollars at SAFEWAYS and Haggens.  Fred Meyer has them for a buck and there is a coupon on line for .55.   Net .45 -- that's a savings of  75 percent.  

Haggens salsa  3/5
Country ribs 1.99
English cukes .69

Not worth the trip for us. Some of these things are a good price, but we are at a point where we don't need them.  The pantry is full.   Some would say that it would be better if we paid full price and left our money on savings.  I am getting an average of fifty percent on my money.  No bank would give me fifty percent interest.    I am still with stocking, well under the USDA stats for my husband and I and we are supplementing the girls.  

SAFEWAYS is in a five dollar kick.  Just remember because something is 5/5 doesn't mean you have to buy five unless they specifically make that a condition.  

Roma's 5/5 ( the best buy in tomatoes.  They give more flesh for your dollar.  
Tillamook cheese 4.99@@
Five dollar Friday

Don't  get suckered in with small bags that are multiple priced.  Cheese 2/5 when the bags are 8 ounces   means you are paying five dollars a pound,  as contrasted to the Tillamook that is five dollars for TWO pounds.  Grated cheese at costco's wholesale is 2.31 ( about) a pound.  It comes Mexican blend and motts.  


Chicken 100 a pound.  
Grapes 1.88
Tomatoes .99
Sliced cheese 1.99- 6 pounds.   Well over five bucks a pound.
Frozen veggies 1.00- note sizes of packaging varies.  It's only a good buy of it is 16 ounces.  

Tomatoes .99
Corn on cob 3/1
Mission taco chips, tortillas 1.49 when u buy three.  

Buy five, save 5  net prices
Refried beans .89
Red vines 6.99
Enchilada sauce .69
Green chilies .69

Cukes .69

That about it.

Next time five dollar dinners.    Yes, it can be done and they can be nutritious without buying princess Martian  food.  

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Monday, April 27, 2015

I hate hackers

Someone hacked in and changed my password.  It took me a solid hour to fix the problem.   I'm sure that's who is stealing my identity too.   A certain country is hitting tens of times and looking at stuff no one would legitimately look at.  I'd really like to see those creeps caught!    It's frustrating that I have no control over catching them and the people that do don't.  

I digress.  

Fred Meyer ads
Fred Meyers continues to tote new low prices.  
Apples .88
Ground turkey 2.99
Canned veggies .59
Lettuce .99
Tomatoes 1.00 16 ounces
Apples .88
Broccoli .99
Pot roast 3.99
Bread 3/4@@
Ice cream 2/4@@
M and ms 2/5@@$$
Sour cream .99
Mission tortillas .99$$
Tomatoes 2/5$$
Radishes 2/1

Tri colour peppers are 3.99.  This last week, I got tri colour peppers 3/1 at grocery outlet, product of Canada.   This  is just one example of  watching your prices and knowing a bargain.  
Ground beef is 3.99.   I paid 2.97 last week at Hagens.   Buy when prices are downs; eat while they are high.  

I continue to buy only fresh perishables and want to see how long we can take to pare down the pantry and freezer.    I have maintained a 75.00 a week budget for some time now,   The first quarter I went over a little, but have been stocking a lot.   It's time  to reap  the benefits and see a true picture
of what we are really eating money wise.   It's got to be less than 75.00 a week.  

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Constantly on the lookout..,

The USDA has an app to help you know how long your food os still good after the pull date on the package.    The consensus is that we throw too much good food away in this country.  The app is called FoodKeeper.  

On another note, we  went to Bothell to make some deliveries.   I am always looking and checking other stores for their specialities.    I have noticed lately that some u tubes about dollar tree are showing  things our dollar trees don't have.   I don't buy a lot of decorator type stuff from the dollar tree.   I did, however, buy a mitt made from micro fiber .   It is supposed to clean blinds well.   I walked into the kenmore dollar tree and found ketchup for a buck and their was a .50 coupon on two of them.  Net cost .75.   They had more variety of the cookies in tins.  Pirouline pull date 2016.  Made in the USA.  

Grocery Outlet had Genoa salami for  2/1.00.   Sliced Smoked Gouda  was 2.39.   They also had a wide variety of Annie s organic foods as well as some of the normal stuff grocery outlets carry.   A very large jar of grape jelly was really cheap too.  I remember it was cheap, but I can't remember what  the cost was.  I'm thinking two bucks.  

Guess that's all.  

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Meal plans

I am a little over budget for the last three. I this.   A out five bucks.    I do have a huge inventory in the pantry and just bought ten pounds of grated cheese.m it is a lot,cheaper in five pound bags at Costco wholesale.    A whole lot cheaper!    Were going on an experiment to see how long we can go just buying perishables.    I went to Costco yesterday and bought bread, milk, and cheese.  

Meal plans

  • Salmon,veggies
  • Eggs, ham, fruit, hash browns 
  • Split pea  soup with ham, jalapeño corn bread 
  • Meat loaf , baked potatoes, fruit salad 
  • Pizza
  • Chicken soup, cheese biscuits 
  • Mac and cheese, peas and carrots. 

  • Pork stir fry, rice
  • Eggs , hash browns, fruit 
  • Fish and chips, vegetable sticks, coleslaw 
  • Pork tenderloin , scalloped potatoes, peas 
  • Pizza 
  • Meat ball subs 
  • Mac and cheese, peas and carrots. 

Easy no clean up fish 

Layer individual servings in parchment paper 

White beans , cooked or canned 
Green veggie ( broccoli, asparagus, green beans? ) 
Drizzle with olive oil.  

Seal pouches and bake on cookie sheet or sheet pan at 400 degrees for twenty minutes.   Check fish to see if it is cooked.   

From DOITONADIME.    On u tube.   She has a lot of ideas for organizing, and dollar store finds.  Some really good, some depend on your season in life!   She has a toddler!    LOL.  

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's a pantry week!

Not much good buys this week. Lucky for us, we shopped several stores last week  and we have plenty of perishables and stock to not shop for a week.   I'll list what's there.   There are a few coupon matchups, I think, I haven't read the fine print on the coupons  yet.  

The only ads this week are for Haggens stores.   QFC has a two week ad.  ( they didn't have much either, but milk is .99 at Fred Meyer and 4/5 at QFC.   We went to grocery outlet yesterday because we had other errands in the area and my husband had to check on something at work.   I got protein Cheerios for a buck, split peas for .99, six asstd sweet peppers for 1.99( grown in Canada) .  


Coupon in ad ten off fifty.
This week, I'm not seeing a plan.   Unless you have no stock built because canned goods are .77.  I really don't  need fifty dollars worth if canned goods, but if you are stocking from scratch,twenty percent off of .77 is a good buy.

Organic tomatoes , pint, 2/3
Corn .60
Bushes beans 2/3@@$$
Dreyers  2.99@@
Green chilies .99 can
( if you buy fifty dollars of oroducts, and no more, the discount with the coupon is twenty percent)
Canned goods sale.   With the twenty percent, a can is .62.

  • Vegetables
  • Beans
  • Refried beans 
  • Tomato sauce 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Tuna 
Five dollar Friday 
Ice cream 2/5
Salad greens 2/5
Life cereal 3/5 

Brownie mix .99@@
Tea 2.99@@
M and M s 2/6$$ ( BOGO print coupon.  ) 
Cherub tomatoes 2/6 $$

Eggs 2/3@@
Yoplait .38@@

Quarters sale 
Top ramen 3/.50
Tomato paste .50
HORMEL chili 1.00 $$?
Radishes and green onions .50
Shreds and garden salad .75 

That's about all.  

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Sunday, April 19, 2015


I sat down with an Excel spreadsheet program and made a meal plan/ grocery management form.   I have tried to do inventory sheets and they are too time consuming for their worth.  I have designated spots on the pantry shelf and can see at a glance when inventory is getting low.   Periodically I check dates and rotate the stock so that the oldest gets used first.

The form has two columns, one for things to use up, and one for things needed to fill on to make the meal plans.   One of the best ways to manage meat or protein is to buy the so called loss leaders and batch cook.   By using a matrix for your meals, you have a variety and can rotate out the loss leaders. Ideally you find one " meat" a week.   This week I found several.   It just means that I will spend less next couple of weeks.   I got hamburger for just under three dollars a pound,   it was supposed to be twenty percent, but judging from the fat it gave off, I think it was better than that.    I also got two pork tenderloins and a very large pizza.   The pork tenderloins have a bit of longevity on them and I put up seven pounds of hamburger and froze all but the meatloaf that we ate last night.  Mondays meal is pizza.   We cut the pizza in quarters when it comes from the store.   ( it's too big to fit in the oven or the fridge.  We can top it with everyone's preferences and bake as people get home.
I still have chicken in the freezer so we have a variety of meals.

There are some things that I keep one of in  the pantry for a back up.   As soon as we use that item out of the pantry I start looking for a sale.    I just pulled a ketchup, and found it for .80 at ALBERTSONS.  At that cost with summer coming up, I bought two.    Usually, unless I find a better sale, I can buy the same  brand  at the dollar store.

The dollar store has really good cookies.  MADE in AMERICA . That come in a tall skinny tin.  I bought them because the cookies taste good.( chocolate, right! ) and the tins are good storage for makeup brushes and some things in the craft room.   The can is worth a buck.

I have written  over a thousand posts all in the hopes of helping people.   I will do the basics again, but thought by seeing how the mental process works , some people might get a better picture.   All I know is that the process works.  It takes a little time.   But the operative word is little.   I know there are people that find the  time to cook all day.  I know there are people that find the time to clip coupons for forty hours a week.   Most people I know either work outside the home, or are retired and  volunteer and babysit grandchildren and have busy lives.  While this takes time, it doesn't take a lot of time.   Basically, you spend a little more time shopping and preparing for your trip, and less time cooking.  Batch cooking saves a lot of time.   The up shot of this is that you can put a meal together without a lot of effort, and eat more healthy foods.   Also, you never have an empty pantry and are prepared for life as it comes.    And the best part os that you can do it for less than themUSDA stats for thrifty.   I am still at less than seventy five dollars a week, which is about 15 percent below stats for just my husband and I.  We also supplement my daughter and granddaughter.   It's easier that way when I'm cooking already.

I posted information  I had from a spread sheet I found that was done April 2009.   The price differences are remarkable.   A few things haven't changed much, I think chicken may be Lowe, but a lot has really gone up.   I can still put good meals on the table for a five dollar bill.   Obviously, that is not a steak dinner-- but that is good food.   It's done with smart shopping, watching for bargains, and incorporating inexpensive sources of protein for some meals.  

Just some notes?


Saturday, April 18, 2015


Tomorrow's ads and smart source.  

The smart source has some really good coupons in it.  Some match with ads now running.  I don't know if using a coupon for hambirger helper works with another coupon or not, but probably
 not. Me personally I would,not buy hambirger helper,but if it made a pound of good hamburger free it might be worth it. Mi can always give the hamburger helper to the food bank.  

  • 1.00 off Tillamook cheese and ice cream 
  • .75 off hamburger helperb(3) 
  • ..50 off Manwich ( it's .80 at ALBERTSONS this week.   Nets 1.10 for two.)
  • 1.00 off hummus 

FRED Meyers

  • Peppers .77
  • Lettuce .99
  • Berries 2 lbs 2.98
  • Milk .99
  • Grapes 2.49
  • Oranges .89

Pacific organic soups 2/5.   ( tomato soup add blue cheese and basil, a little milk or cream.  YUM,    
Free tote bag while supplies last@@

About it. 

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Friday, April 17, 2015

Going back to 2009.....

I found a meal plan list that was cost out from April 2009.   Complete with grocery list priced out and meals priced for a family of four.   What a difference six years makes !   LOL.

  • Pizza ( sausage, cheese, peppers, green salad.   3.21
  • Pizza ( chicken,pesto, mushrooms- BLT salad    3.82
  • Sausage quiche , French salad.    4.07
  • Tomato dill soup. , toasted cheese sandwich, fruit desert.  2.65
  • minestrone , cheese biscuits , fruit desert. 4.34
  • Pork stirfry.  Rice 2.22
  • Pork chops with apple stuffing.  Salad  3.64
  • Cheeseburger macaroni, veg sticks.  3.90
  • Roast beef a jus sandwiches, salad.   3.54
  • Chicken pot pie. 2.93
  • Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salad.   4.39
  • Mac and cheese, broccoli. 2.12
  • Stuffed potatoes 3.00
  • Fish and chips.  Fruit salad.  5.49

A few comparison prices 

Chili .75
Eggs 1.09
Halibut 2.3
4 lbs ham 2.96
1.3 lbs broccoli 1.03
5 lbs apples 2.69
Diced tomatoes .75
5 baggettes  3.99
Bread .75
Cake mix .75
English muffins 1.00
Pasta .75
Taco shells 1.00
Pizza 2.33
Cheese 4.99/ 5 lbs
Milk 1.89

That's a real eye opener.    


After the trip....

We went to SAFEWAYS today..   That's three stores this week.   I got two pork tenderloins,mKe cups, blueberries, pizza and jalapeño corn bread.   I am still under budget for the month.  M Ok, 2.47 a week, but still I'm under.  

Before we went I made up the seven pounds of hambirger that I bought yesterday.   I made

  • Crumbles
  • Patties
  • Meatloaf 
  • Meatballs 
While I was doing that, my husband thre a pot of split pea soup on the slow cooker.   I will take some out and fry the ham cubes to put on the rest of it.   

I made meal plans for the next week.    

I'm exhausted, my kegs don't want to work.  But,I don't really have to cook the rest of the week.    
I also cleaned out and rearranged th pantry a bit.    

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beat it!

I did go to Hagens,   I bought only things that I had on my list, a little less hamburger and I added some potatoes because we were all out.   My,husband kept a running total on the solar calculator and we spent 50.55 and got ten dollars back.   I then went to ALBERTSONS and got 17.43 worth of sale items.

I In actuality got the following things for .80 each

Canned beans
Pasta sauce
Albacore tuna

There is a pic on Facebook page, janes groceries on the cheap.  

Gremlins did it!

I had a very long post done.  The I pad went screwy ( cockeyed post) and I lost it.   So here goes a shorter version.

SAFEWAYS has chicken for .99 again.  The also have hamburger ( 9 percent) for 3.99.
Berries are 2/4
Oranges .99

Five dollar Friday
Pork tenderloin - ( 18-32 ounces) **
Lemon meringues pie
Cheerios 3/5$$


Grapes 1.68
Apples .99

Buy ten dollars, save two.
Nets each at .80

Pasta sauce
BBQ sauce

This is a two week ad

Berries 2/4
Broccoli .99
Milk 4/5

**. QFC has pork tenderloins BOGO.   They are the same price as SAFEWAYS five dollar Friday, but SAFEWAYS are larger.
 There is a coupon for ten dollars  off of fifty dollars.    If you can plan your trip to stay exactly at the fifty dollars, you can make out.   The deal breaker here is the hamburger.   20 percent is 3.69 at Hagens,  It is 3.99 for 9 percent at SAFEWAYS.  We need to do the math.

9 percent hamburger works out to be.  3.99X 1.09 equals  4.35 a pound.
20 percent hamburger works out to be 3.69 X 1.20 equals 4.43.
At this point the nine percent would be the better deal.  But, if you can stay at the fifty dollars, the twenty percent os the deal breaker.


Apples .89
Berries 2 lb 3.98
Roma's .89
Buns 2/4
Nalleys chili .99@@
Ice cream 2/5
Beans 1.00
C sea albacore tuna 1.00
Veggies , frozen 1.00

You can make out if you plan your trip.   Start with the hamburger and ten pounds.  You can make meatloaf, meatballs.taco meat  and crumbles for pizza, pasta sauce or chili.   Then fill in the things that at .80 would be a good buy and fruits.    Keep a running total and quit at fifty dollars.
That maximizes your trip to make twenty percent off.   Normally, Haggens would not be a good deal. Weeks before the prices were over retail and it was marking up to mark down, netting regular price.

The key is knowing prices of the things you normally buy, not buying expensive garbage like potato chips, and   Buying enough shelf ready and frozen to last you until the next sale.   Shopping two stores and planning your trip.  Plan for the gas consumption.  If you need to shop two different days and tag the trip with other errands.   A little planning saves time in the grocery store and saves a lot of money.   Anything worth doing os worth putting some effort onto it.

   I was in the rehab for a month.   My daughter cooked out of the pantry.   It saved a lot of time and money.

I also got a coupon for Fred Meyers for ten off of fifty that includes clothes, and  household items.  Maybe plants?  

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Shopping trip

The biggest thing about shopping and saving money is not to buy junk food and not to fall into the impulse buy trap.  Stores work hard to tempt you into impulse buys.    It's not by accident that they put kids treats right as you walk in the door.  

I did go to Fred Meyers yesterday after we volunteered to fill food bags for kids.   I bought fruits and dairy products  because that's all we needed.     The easter candy was 75 percent off,so I did buy a .30 Easter egg.    Total 28.00.  

Meal plans are another way to beat the high cost of food.   Having a plan, even I'd you deviate from the plan is always good.    I like to do prep work early in the day .  We don't get the family together until seven o'clock.  By that time my get up and go has got up and went, so ot is harder to stay on the plan.  

Yesterday we had chicken pot pot  using my homemade soup base mix and bisquick recipe.    I finished off the meal with a fruit cup of fresh fruit.  

We had fish and chips Saturday and meatloaf on Friday.  

My meal plan matrix is a good way to make meal planning easy.  Your matrix may be different, but having one simplifies the process.

2 chicken or pork
2 beef
2 vegetarian
1 fish or shellfish.  

Before my daughter switched back to being a full vegetarian. That meant that I could cook one meal five out of the seven days.   Now, she cooks her own, but that means I have double dishes to wash.  
Tex mex helps. It stretches the beef and can be adjusted to accommodate vegetarian without extra work.  I can also make split pea  soup and  just add fried ham to ours.  Everybody eats fish.

The cost of food is slowly rising, despite the claim that some stores are lowering prices.   Our insurance bills are rising as well.   The COL raise for social security was a joke.   Insurance costs have taken more than all of it.   LOL.   I am still maintaining a 75.00 a week food budget and have a full pantry and freezer.  Basicly that means that we are eating less than seventy five dollars a week in food.   The USDA stats are 84.90 for just my husband and me.

We eat well.  We do not eat organic all the time, nor do we eat food made my Martians on an obscure planet.    LOL.  We just eat real food, the less processed mixes the better.   When it is practical, I make my own bisquick and soup bases.   I was getting soup bases for free.   It made more sense in the scheme of things for us to use them while we could.  

Life changes.   Stores change.  Groceries on the cheap means you have to be flexible and contine the quest to find good food cheap-- not cheap food.  

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Fred Meyers - ad

 Fred Meyers ad totes that they have new low prices.  I'm. It seeing many lower prices.  

Cantaloupe .39
Pork loin 1.88
Butter 1.88
Broccoli .99
Apples .99
 Yoplait 10/5
Pasta sauce .89.   I would rather have .80.  

Eggs 4/5@@
Ice cream - Tillamook 2/6
Red vines 5.99
Pears .88

That's about it.  

I would caution not to buy bags of fruits .  I have found several times lately at different stores that there were all or many that were bad.    you are better off licking your own,  

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015


We went to Winco today.  Most ofmthemfrodge ads don't have enough good buys this week to tempt me,   QFC and FM have chicken cheap and berries continue to be a good buy.  

My  husband asked at Winco and they told him that Edmonds  was the,next town to get a Winco.  
I'm sure glad.   It's a long ways up there.   Today we went to a scrapbook place forst and got lost so ot took us a while and a phone call to find it.  

Oranges amd strawberries were a good price.  I got hamburger, about average for the good stuff.  I like their whole wheat pita bread and their hummus is really a reasonable price.   Beer is a really good buy, about the cheapest we have seen.  

I am still more than in budget.  

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Sunday, April 5, 2015


Bartells had some sales.   They had Colgate toothpaste for 5/5.   They had some tubes that had extra product in them.    I am all set for a trip to the women's shelter.  

They had deodorant on sale.  According to the paper it worked for a coupon, but it wasn't there when I got to the store.   I did find my russet stovers sugar free candy  1.19.   It's two dollars and up usually and they had a wide variety of flavors.  

Fred Meyers has chicken for .88'a pound.   They has grapes on sale,but they didn't look too good.  
Milk was a buck with an in ad coupon.    Also orange  juice and chocolate milk.  

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Fridays trip

Yesterday we went to the dollar store and SAFEWAYS.  There was the deli Pozza on five dollar Fridays.   I bought fresh berries, but other than that I just bought what I needed for our part of Easter dinner.  

We made pizzas last night and have enough left for lunches.  
I cut the pizza in quarters so ot would for on the oven and fridge.  
I topped each differently and added more cheese.  

  • Ham and red peppers ( bought in sale for fifty cents and chopped and frozen,   ) 
  • Buffalo chicken, ( chicken from my daughters southwest chop salad that she had put on the side.  ) 
  • Pepperoni ( .50 a package with coupon ) 
  • Cheese and pesto with black olives.   
Ham cubes were five dollars a package.   You can add ham to a lot of things for protein.   

Egg omlettes, split pea soups loaded baked potato soup, chefs salad, pizzas, sandwiches,   

Just some notes .   

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